BESTPARTY's guarantee is simple and clear:

To provide customers with 100% satisfaction of our BESTPARTY brand products and services. If you are not satisfied with our services or products or need help, please send us an email to, we will not stop working until you are satisfied.

We offer a 30-day return guarantee:
BESTPARTY has built a reputation by designing a cheerful and enjoyable lifestyle experience without compromising aesthetics. Each of our products uses novel materials, perception and design forms to make BESTPARTY come to life. If you receive non-compliant products within 30 days from the date of purchase, please contact our service support team. Please refer to our return policy for more detailed information about returns. We guarantee that we will do our best to solve your problem as quickly and thoroughly as possible. We want you to be our lifetime customer.

We guarantee to provide you with a quick answer:
Our support team promises that we will answer your inquiries within 24 hours and will provide you with help and guidance for many years to come.

We guarantee that your privacy will be respected:
We will not distribute your email address, receipt information or any other personal information to others. We will never discuss your personal situation with anyone. We hope to earn your trust. We will always treat you with respect and cherish your privacy. If you want to learn more about how we use your information, please refer to our privacy policy.